SAP Java Connector 3.1 running on Windows operating systems requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 C/C++ runtime libraries to be installed on the system. The SAP Java Connector 3.1 requires a JDK/JRE 8, 11 or 17. The SDK package of SAP Java Connector 3.1 includes the software, documentation, and examples. SAP Note 2786882 describes which operating systems and versions with which JDKs/JREs are supported by the SAP Java Connector 3.1, and when the SAP Java Connector 3.1 maintenance and support period will end. It also contains all fixes and enhancements of previous patch releases: 3204567, 3115707, 30368370. Release 3.1.7 of the SAP Java Connector includes fixes and new functionality as described in SAP Note 3276799. In case of problems with the SAP Java Connector, create a support case under component BC-MID-CON-JCO. Complete and correct code page handling (including Unicode and non-Unicode single- and multi-byte code pages).Supports RFC communication via classic CPIC and via WebSocket network protocol.Supports classic RFC data serialization as well as xRfc, basXML and cbRfc (column based/fast serialization) formats.Supports synchronous, transactional, queued and background RFC (sRfc, tRfc, qRfc, bgRfc protocols).

Supports inbound (Java client calls BAPI or RFM) and outbound (ABAP calls Java server) RFC communication.Supports R/3 3.1I and higher releases (and other SAP components that have BAPIs or RFMs).